Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Week 6 EOC: Rocky Ford- Restoring the Brand

What Happened?

A cantaloupe grower (Jensen Farms) was farming just 90 miles away from The Rocky Ford farm was miss advertising their cantaloupes as “Rocky Ford” cantaloupes back in 2011. The cantaloupes that were supplied by this company were not washed properly and developed listeriosis on the external skin; there was an outbreak in 19 states and infected 84 people and killed 15 people. “Listeriosis is a serious infection usually caused by eating food contaminated with the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes.”

How should Rocky Ford Protect Their Brand?

“Wal-Mart, Jensen Farms, and other food companies have a public responsibility to all consumers to sell and distribute food that is free and clear of dangerous adulterants such as Listeria–no exceptions,” said the Palmer family’s attorney, William Marler. “In this case, a lapse in food safety assurance has relegated an innocent man to a hospital bed for a long time.” In order for Rocky Ford to protect their brand they should recall all of its products. Although it was indeed a different supplier (Jensen Farms) who supplied contaminated products under their name they should still recall their products. Why you may ask? Well because it will give their customers the assurance they need to be able to trust their brand again. By recalling their products it will show that they care about their customers’ health and safety. Rocky Ford should also trademark its name so that no other companies can try to use their name for their production and have lower standards and processes. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.” Also Rocky Ford should really try to develop good relationships with the companies that they do business with. I don’t know if Wal-Mart knew that it was getting its cantaloupes from a different farm that was just using the “Rocky Ford” name but they should have. Or Wal-Mart was just trying to get its cantaloupes at a lower price so they didn’t care that it was from a different supplier that was using a more trusted companies name.


 Investigation Update: Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Whole Cantaloupes from Jensen Farms, Colorado. Retrieved on August 14, 2013 from

Lawsuit Filed In Rocky Ford Cantaloupe Listeria Outbreak. Retrieved on August 15, 2013 from

Trademark, Patent, or Copyright? Retrieved on August 15, 2013 from

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